Hired Before Graduation: “Fear is your biggest obstacle.”

Moraine Park female student hired before graduation

If you’ve been thinking about going back to school, but have been making a mental list of obstacles in your way, recent Moraine Park Technical College graduate Marcia Card has some advice:

“Just do it. Don’t worry about how you’re going to pay for it or how you’re going to juggle everything. Fear is your biggest obstacle and it is the only thing that is holding you back. Just take one day at a time and do what needs to be done.”

That’s the approach Marcia took, and it not only led to an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Chiropractic Specialist, it landed her a job in her field before she ever graduated. 

“I have already been hired by Donnelly Chiropractic as a Chiropractic and Radiography Technician (CT/CRT),” Marcia said, adding she’s looking to make a difference right away with the education she gained at Moraine Park. “I hope to help the practice expand its therapy and exercise rehab area. I look forward to educating patients and the public about the benefits of chiropractic. I want to promote awareness that preventative health care should start with spinal alignment and open neural pathways that allow the body to heal itself naturally.”

Marcia credits three internship programs – Office Procedures, Adjunctive Therapy & X-ray, and Chiropractic Insurance – in helping her as well, calling them “highly beneficial” experiences.

“The hands-on approach in a real office setting boosted my confidence exponentially.”

Are you ready to follow in Marcia’s footsteps? Stop listing obstacles, and start exploring opportunities!

To learn more about Moraine Park’s Chiropractic Specialist program, among others, visit morainepark.edu/programs.

You can also explore many more stories of Moraine Park alumni who found employment in their fields prior to graduation. These students were “Hired Before Graduation,” and so can you!

Written by admin