Why you can’t miss a Virtual Transfer Fair

male student fills out paperwork at transfer fair

Are you interested in transferring your MPTC credits to a 4-year college or university but are in class or working during the face-to-face transfer fairs?  The Virtual Transfer Fair is held after hours and allows you to log in from anywhere with internet and talk one-on-one with a live representative from a specific college or university that MPTC has articulation agreements with!  You no longer have to be at a specific place at a specific time.

Here’s how you do it.  During the hours of a Virtual Transfer Fair simply go to www.morainepark.edu and click on the “Join Now” button

join now button

From there you are free to talk to any representative that is participating.  Just click on their name and chat away!

Wishing there was a Fall Virtual Transfer Fair?  You are in luck!  MPTC is hosting a Virtual Transfer Fair on Wednesday, October 25th from 6:30-8:30pm.  Log on from the comfort of your own home or come to any MPTC library.  Computers and staff will be available to help with any questions.

Check out https://www.morainepark.edu/programs-and-courses/transfer-opportunities/ prior to the Virtual Transfer Fair to see a specific list of colleges and universities that will be participating that night!

Any questions please contact Tiffany Rhode at trhode@morainepark.edu

Written by Tiffany Rhode
Adm Aide-BD Campus Coordinator