Moraine Park students sweep podium at Skills USA

Three male MPTC SKills USA winners standing on stage

Moraine Park sent students from the CNC/Tool & Die club and the Electricity club to the State Skills USA competition in late April.  The CNC/Tool & Die students competed as a team in the Automated Manufacturing Technology category while the Electricity students competed as individuals in the Industrial Motor Control or Residential Wiring categories.

Moraine Park had students take all 3 top spots in Industrial Motor Control. Zach Heberer placed 1st, Jacob Stamm placed 2nd and Ramon Cruz-Nagera placed third.

In the Residential Wiring Category, Moraine Park’s Paul Langenecker placed 1st and Evan Beisbier placed 3rd.

Jacob Strupp , Alec Denzin , and Blake Bingen from the CNC/Tool & Die club competed as a team in the Automated Manufacturing Technology and placed 3rd in the State of Wisconsin.

Zach Heberer and Paul Langenecker will head to the Skills USA National Competition in June. The National Competition is being held in Kentucky.

Thank you to Mark Wamsley (Electricity) and Craig Seidel (CNC/Tool & Die) for advising these students during their competitions.

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Written by Melanie Schroeder
Student Involvement Specialist